UTD The University of Texas at Dallas

Charting New Horizons: A Message from the Dean

Dr. Stephanie G. Adams

Dean, Lars Magnus Ericsson Chair
Professor of Systems Engineering

The University of Texas at Dallas is seriously different — in a good way. I believe the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science is at the heart of what makes UT Dallas different, from our dedicated faculty and staff to our ambitious students who “keep UTD nerdy.”

I named the 2024-25 academic term “the Year of Creativity,” and as you’ll see throughout this year’s stories, we’ve highlighted numerous innovations formed through intentional collaboration. Our faculty, staff and students exercise creativity when addressing some of our society’s biggest needs, including providing math education and computer science coding camps for K-12 students from here at home and across the United States.

Elsewhere, we are breaking silos and forming interdisciplinary Research Thrusts in five key areas of national significance, along with developing six cross-cutting technologies to support these thrusts. And our faculty and students are displaying both creativity and perseverance through strategic initiatives, sports, policy work and professional development.

As you can see, the Jonsson School is indeed a home for many different perspectives — I invite you to learn more about all of them and thank you for joining us on another year’s magnificent voyage.